Open Fields Institute

Join the Healing Journey


(Hello & Believe)

Lumela and welcome to Open Fields Institute! Lumela [pronounced Do-may-lah] is “Hello” in Sesotho, a language spoken by the Basotho people of Lesotho, Africa. It aslo means “Believe”. What an amazing way to greet people!

Open Fields Institute is a wide, open space of possibility. I have been blessed with the opportunity of travel – travel within and without, near and far, home and abroad.

I have discovered diamonds in the darkness and present them here for you. I present my collected wisdom to you as a guidepost for you to uncover your own wisdom from within. 

I am a healer and a teacher and would love to support you on your own journey through curiosity, discovery, and integration.   At Open Fields Institute you can:

Contact me for more information, if you have an idea we can explore together, or just to say hello!