

The purpose of Open Fields Institute is to inspire, inform, mobilize, and train the next generation of leaders dedicated to the Four Rs:

  1. RELEASE parts of ourselves that no longer serve with respect and honor
  2. RESTORE the hidden treasures within us
  3. RENEW into a new state of being that empowers and inspires us
  4. REMEMBER who we really are – vast, infinite, timeless, whole, unique, and perfect

Open Fields Institute is a space where these four guiding principles will be explored, expanded, and emulated. My blog posts document my own journey and insights and projects will emphasize cross-cultural learning.

The primary goal is to integrate and use teachings. I will provide guidance on how to integrate wisdom into daily life through exercises, resources, and direct support if need be. I’m committed to immediate and lasting results for myself and others.

We will build our skills by learning through doing. Examples include: 

  • Heal ourselves and look within first (“Put my own mask on before helping others”)
  • Establish SOVEREIGNTY in our mind, body, and spirit
  • Honor boundaries and ask permission of ourselves, others, Nature, etc
  • Practice compassion and not pity (“Me too” not “poor you”)
  • Transform limiting thoughts, feelings, and beliefs
  • And much much more!

Thank you for joining me on this journey. May flowers blossom on our paths.